Thursday, February 6, 2014

4. Groupwork in Class on Discourse

During the class we discussed if we use discourse as a community.  We decided yes, that we do use discourse as community because we have in class discussions, debates, and also collaborate on work being done in class.  We also agreed that we are all using discourse as a community because we will be doing some type of research but in different ways, so whether it be for our research paper or for our in class group work, there is some thinking and research being done and comparing it to other forms of literature.  We also discussed the tools for discourse that we use are the blogs and class discussions which ultimately are our main contributions to discourse.  For the last question it asks about genres, and we all agreed that professors have their own genres and students have their own genres.  It is like that because professors do not speak to students how they speak to their colleagues, and the same goes for students and the way they speak to their friends is totally different then the way they speak to their professors.  So we do live in a discourse community but it is just practiced in different ways.

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