I had worked with Dr. Chandler when doing my interview on Valentine's Day because when I worked with someone else my interview was too short and Dr. Chandler wanted me to really get the concept of giving an interview. When the interview was conducted, it seemed that the room was quiet enough, there was another group in there with us but they were farther away, and I had been holding the recorder (my iPhone) between Dr. Chandler and I. While I'll admit I am difficult to get talking in an interview, I answered the open ended questions as best to my memory.
When reviewing the recording I could hear the conversation of the other group in the room in the background. It wasn't just even background noise, I could of possibly followed their conversation if I had really tried. I also noticed that it was easier to hear my voice and what I am saying on the recording more than you could hear Dr. Chandlers. I found this odd because I thought I had held it in between us enough so that it would pick up our voices evenly, but I suppose it doesn't always work that way.
What I also learned is how to get more information out of the person you're interviewing. You keep going with questions to questions and it will, or should, help to get more information. I definitely learned more about interviewing the correct way than I had before.
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